RSLC PAC Releases Third Ad of ‘Republican Roadmap’ Series Targeting Battleground States with Top Issues for Voters

Washington, D.C. – As violent crime continues to sweep our nation, Americans are becoming more concerned about their safety because of the soft-on-crime agenda being pushed by state and national Democrats. In response, the Republican State Leadership Committee PAC (RSLC PAC) today announced the third ad of its ‘Republican Roadmap’ series highlighting how state Republicans are committed to promoting law and order while their Democrat counterparts stand by out-of-touch policies that protect dangerous criminals and encourage crime.

The multi-phase ad series running in key battleground states is backed by a six-figure investment and emphasizes how Republicans' agendas in state houses across the country directly address the top issues on the minds of voters heading into a pivotal 2024 election year. 

“American families are not only struggling as they deal with high prices at the grocery store or the gas pump, but are also increasingly feeling unsafe in their communities,” said RSLC President Dee Duncan. “While Joe Biden is off the ballot, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will have to answer for the Biden-Harris agenda that has gone soft-on-crime and created this chaos, especially thanks to their open border policies. State Republicans will continue to fight for additional funding for our police and to secure the border to prevent criminal activity as we look to change course and make our cities and communities safe once again. Our Republican roadmap series is our playbook that we will continue to embrace to ensure more state Republicans are elected this November to reclaim and hold majorities in the states to combat the Democrats' soft-on-crime agenda.”


The third ad will run in:  

·  Michigan

·  Minnesota 

·  Pennsylvania 

·  Wisconsin 


Watch “Soft-on-Crime” HERE.

Watch the :30 second version of “Soft-on-Crime” HERE. 



NARRATOR: “Joe Biden might be off the ballot but his soft-on-crime policies remain in the states.” 


NEWS ANCHOR: “22 year-old nursing student was abducted and killed.” 


NARRATOR: “The reckless agenda coming from Democrats up and down the ballot have led to crime waves across the country.” 


NEWS ANCHOR: “Having a hard time staying in business because the crime they say is out of control.” 


NARRATOR: “Criminals feel emboldened as Democrat calls to defund the police created a policing shortage.” 


KAMALA HARRIS: “The status quo has been more police equals more safety and that’s just wrong.” 


NARRATOR: “And their support for cashless bail put repeat offenders back on our streets, while a wide open southern border allowed dangerous criminals to enter the country unchecked. But state Republicans are pushing back. Fighting for police funding, cracking down on drug dealers who worsened the opioid crisis and taking unprecedented action to secure the border. Stand with state Republicans to restore law and order. Visit to get involved today.” 



The release of “Soft-on-Crime” follows an RSLC polling memo showing that Republicans are trusted to handle the three top issues among voters better than Democrats, which positions us well for the months ahead:

  • Crime and public safety 49% - 35% 


Republican Policies Gain Favorable Attention from Voters 

While focusing on inflation/the economy, crime and public safety, and illegal immigration and border security, specific Republican policy proposals are more likely to gain favorable attention than others. Focusing on these policy proposals within these three issues will boost our standing with the electorate: 

Crime and Public Safety: 

  • To lower crime in the states, voters would like to see investments in mental health resources to address the root cause of crime (51%), boosting funding for law enforcement and an increase in local policing (49%), and protecting the border to reduce criminals entering the country illegally (44%).



  • In Pennsylvania, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats to handle crime among voters: 

    • Crime and public safety: 51% - 35%



  • In Michigan, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats to handle crime among voters: 

    • Crime and public safety: 46% - 38%



  • In Minnesota, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats to handle crime among voters: 

    • Crime and public safety: 49% - 38%



  • In Minnesota, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats to handle crime among voters: 

    • Crime and public safety: 50% - 34%




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