MEMO: Sarah Taber is Unfit for Office in North Carolina

To: Interested Parties
From: Dee Duncan, RSLC President
Date: 8/20/2024
Subject: Research Findings on Sarah Taber, Candidate for North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner

With less than 80 days before Election Day, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) has commissioned a research packet to ensure North Carolinians are aware of the truth about Sarah Taber’s troubling past. This race has attracted significant funding from out-of-state Democrats, who view this seat as a critical opportunity to begin defeating Republicans in agriculture commissioner races across the country.  

From questionable business practices to an extreme assault on North Carolina’s agriculture industry, Taber refuses to recognize the importance of North Carolina farmers to the U.S. economy while continuing to launch baseless attacks on their character. 

Summary of Key Findings:

The research conducted provides several key insights into Sarah Taber’s background, policy positions, and campaign activities that may concern North Carolina voters:

  1. Controversial Policy Positions: Taber has publicly advocated for several controversial policies that may not align with the values and needs of North Carolina’s agricultural community. Her stance opposing the Atlantic Coast Pipeline has raised concerns about her understanding of the state's agricultural priorities.

  2. Questionable Experience: Taber’s professional background and experience in agriculture have been called into question. The research reveals that her questionable business practices may not sufficiently prepare her for the role of Agriculture Commissioner, a position that demands in-depth knowledge and expertise.

  3. Out-of-State Influence: The campaign has been heavily funded by out-of-state Democrat donors, signaling an attempt by national interests to influence local North Carolina elections. This influx of external funding raises questions about where Taber’s loyalties and priorities lie.

  4. Inconsistent Messaging: Taber has displayed inconsistent messaging on critical issues, often tailoring her statements to appeal to extreme Democrats. This raises concerns about her commitment to transparency and honesty in her campaign.

  5. Criticism from Local Leaders: Several local agricultural leaders and organizations have voiced criticism of Taber’s candidacy, expressing doubt about her ability to effectively represent North Carolina’s agricultural sector.

For more top hits on Sarah Taber, please see the following ongoing document with detailed information HERE.



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