RSLC Launches “Last Line of Defense” Video to Highlight Top of Ticket Extremism

Washington, D.C. –  It’s no secret that state Democrats view their states as laboratories of Democracy. Unfortunately for the American people, the most extreme policies are first implemented in blue states around the country before being elevated onto the national level. This push for a radical agenda has become even more evident with the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Kamala Harris’ running mate in the upcoming presidential election.

The Democrat DFL trifecta in Minnesota, backed by Governor Tim Waltz, has used their power to devastate Minnesotans in communities across the North Star state. From allowing crime to run rampant during the riots in Minneapolis in 2020, to forcing Minnesotans to foot the bill for illegal immigrant freebies, Tim Walz has turned Minnesota into a socialist utopia.

In response, the RSLC today launched “Last Line of Defense,” a new video that exposes how the socialist policies supported by Walz got their start in the states and are now coming under scrutiny at the national level. The 60-second spot makes the case that stopping the radical left's national agenda means defeating dangerous politicians like Tim Walz at the state level.

“We have been saying this for years -- socialism truly begins at the state level, especially in places like Minnesota where extreme Democrat Tim Walz and his liberal state legislature have had free reign to implement one of the most radical agendas of any state in the country,” said RSLC President Dee Duncan. “This is exactly why we are fighting every day from now until November to remind the American people that state Republicans truly are the last line of defense and to stop the socialist agenda dead in its tracks.”

Watch “Last Line of Defense” HERE:



“Vice President Harris has selected Tim Walz to be her running mate.”

“Walz is a weird radical liberal.”   

“The most liberal ticket by far of the modern era”

“The most liberal ticket in modern history.” 

NARRATOR: How did the most liberal ticket in history get here? By implementing their policies in the states. And we saw what happened there.

NARRATOR:  Rioting, looting, and anarchy. 

NEWS ANCHOR: Devastation in Minneapolis.

NARRATOR:  Crime and murder. 

NEWS ANCHOR: Violent crime surge. 

NEWS ANCHOR: Crime is up across the state. 

NARRATOR:  Driver’s licenses for illegals. 

NEWS ANCHOR: Driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. 

NARRATOR: And that was only the beginning.

KAMALA HARRIS: “We have to stay woke! Like everybody needs to be woke.” 

NARRATOR:  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Socialism starts in the states. 

TIM WALZ: “One person’s socialism is another person's neighborliness.”

NARRATOR: So when we say we’re the last line of defense. We mean it. 

NARRATOR: Support State Republicans today. Our country depends on it.



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