NEW AD: RSLC PAC and Virginia House Republican Campaign Committee Launch Six-Figure Digital Ad Highlighting Broken Promises of Virginia House Democrats 

Washington, D.C.  The RSLC PAC, in coordination with the Virginia House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC), today launched a new digital ad exposing how Virginia House Democrats are breaking their promises to voters by pursuing an out-of-touch agenda in Richmond this legislative session. The ad will be backed by a six-figure buy on digital platforms throughout the state and highlights how Virginia House Democrats are blocking tax cuts and efforts to lower electric costs, as well as refusing to crack down on dangerous illegal immigrants. 

This new ad buy is the RSLC PAC's first major investment in Virginia in 2025 and is the first paid media effort the committee has launched since its successful 2024 election year. In November, the Republican State Leadership Committee helped flip the Michigan House and break the Democratic trifecta in Minnesota by retaking control of the House of Representatives in St. Paul.  

"Virginia House Democrats have said they want to cut taxes, make their communities safer, and make the Commonwealth more prosperous, yet this legislative session under their leadership has been one broken promise after the next," said RSLC PAC President Edith Jorge-Tuñón. "The time for talk is over, and Virginians deserve better than to be lied to by the out-of-touch liberals running Richmond, who would rather protect violent criminals and increase taxes while Virginians are still struggling to pay their bills. Virginia House Democrats are failing their constituents, and there is no time to waste in the effort to hold them accountable before they face the voters in this critical election year."

“Politicians love to talk, but what matters to Virginians is what they do,” said House Republican Leader Todd Gilbert. “Republicans have concrete, actionable plans to lower your power bills, cut your taxes, and make your neighborhoods safer. Our House Republican Caucus wants to put more money back in your pocket, ensure that parents are in charge of their children, and make sure the future looks brighter for us all. But we need more Republicans in the House to make that happen."

 Watch “They Say They Care” HERE.


Narrator: Virginia Democrats say they care about you. 

Senator Barbara Favola: “I mean it’s just clear that we don’t have room for tax cuts.” 

Narrator: Like their out-of-touch allies in Washington, They say one thing and do another. They say they want to lower our costs, then fight against lowering electric bills and block tax cuts. They say they want safer communities, Then side with illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in our communities. Virginia Democrats say they care, but their actions tell us the truth.


The new ad buy is the RSLC PAC's first major investment in Virginia since the successes it had in the commonwealth in 2023. Despite the difficult political environment Virginia Republicans faced two years ago, the RSLC's AB/EV program was a tremendous success and helped candidates across the state defy expectations. The committee's innovative efforts to target low propensity GOP voters boosted turnout and prevented Democrats from obtaining a 45-55 House of Delegates and a 17-23 Senate. That year, Republicans won 13 districts that President Biden won in 2020 and seven districts that the congressional Democrat candidate won in 2022.


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