TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Andrew Wynne, VP Judicial Fairness Initiative, Republican State Leadership Committee
DATE: February 15, 2022
RE: Democrats’ Past Spending on State Court Races Paying off in Redistricting Fight, Stopping Them Next Time Starts in 2022
National Democrats, led by Eric Holder and President Obama, spent more than half a billion last election cycle trying to flip state legislatures so they could control the redistricting processes currently playing out in a number of key states. When the dust settled in November of 2020 it appeared their efforts were a colossal failure, as Republicans held all 59 of our state legislative chambers and flipped two more in New Hampshire. We are now finding out, however, that the Democrats’ contingency plan to gerrymander themselves into power ahead of 2022 has been incredibly effective.
In states like North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, Democrats are yanking control of the redistricting process out of the hands of elected legislators and handing it over to their liberal allies on state Supreme Courts. These liberal, activist judges continue to reinterpret state constitutional language to overturn legislatively drawn maps and issue rulings that favor Democrats. And this is all occurring as Democrat-led states like Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Oregon have passed the most egregious gerrymanders in the country without any legal challenges from Holder and the rest of the national liberals who falsely claim to support fair maps.
What has enabled Democrats to have such success this year gerrymandering via state Supreme Courts? They are reaping the benefits of a multi-year campaign dating back to 2015 in which they have spent nearly $58 million on key state Supreme Court races across the country to install liberal judges who rule in their favor in redistricting cases.
Democrats first implemented this strategy when they spent heavily on the three Supreme Court seats that were up for reelection in Pennsylvania in 2015. Their investment resulted in a change in the balance of power on the Court that paved the way for Democrats to later overturn the state’s congressional map in 2018. They replicated this strategy successfully in North Carolina to get the state’s maps redrawn ahead of the 2020 election. As Eric Holder put it in an interview in 2020, “What we have done at the NDRC is file lawsuits in state courts using the state constitutions and redrawn the lines that way.”
The reason Democrats are currently gerrymandering themselves more power in North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania is because of the mammoth amounts of money they have spent buying seats on the Supreme Courts in those states in recent years. Since 2015, Democrats have spent a total of $32.7 million on state Supreme Court races in these three states alone.
North Carolina - $12.7M
Ohio - $3.1M
Pennsylvania - $16.9M
Democrats also invested a total of $5.1 million in Michigan during the same timespan to capture control of its Supreme Court. And while the post-2020 redistricting process in Michigan was taken out of the hands of the Republican-led legislature and given to a commission, the investments liberals made in state court races provided a security blanket in case the Democrat-leaning commission did not draw them satisfactory maps.
Despite Democrats spending $9.7 million from 2015-2020 in order to gain control of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, the Badger State is the one place their ‘sue until its blue’ strategy has failed this redistricting cycle. In a 4-3 ruling, the Court’s conservative majority ruled last November that it is not the role of the judiciary to consider partisan makeups of districts to make them “more fair.”
Why did the Court have a 4-3 majority that was able stand up for the rule of law and make that decision?
After the losses we suffered in Pennsylvania and North Carolina in the middle of the last decade led to disastrous consequences when it came to redistricting, the Republican State Leadership Committee’s Judicial Fairness Initiative (JFI) focused on the mission to engage in critical state judicial races across the country in order to beat Democrats at their own game. JFI was the largest outside spending organization in the 2019 Wisconsin Supreme Court race pitting Judge Brian Hagedorn against Judge Lisa Neubauer. JFI spent $1.3 million in the last week of the Spring Election, knowing that if conservatives lost in both 2019 and 2020, liberals would hold a majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court until at least 2025. Hagedorn won by fewer than 6,000 of the 1.2 million votes cast. A different outcome in that election would have likely produced a different result in Wisconsin’s latest redistricting case.
Democrats know that the socialist agenda their party is currently embracing is toxic with the American people and the only way that they will be able to gain power in the future is by more gerrymandering through state Supreme Courts. Their ‘sue until its blue’ strategy has been incredibly effective this cycle in almost every state where they have tried it. Our only notable victory in the effort to stop them came because of JFI and our targeted engagement in support of Hagedorn in Wisconsin in 2019.
Recent redistricting developments make clear that the only way we can end court-driven liberal gerrymandering is by winning key state court races in the next decade. And these races are only getting more expensive. Spending since 2015-2016 in each of the following states has increased by:
Michigan – 5219%
North Carolina – 293%
Ohio – 95%
West Virginia – 208%
Wisconsin – 389%
Therefore, Republicans risk an even worse fate in the 2030 redistricting process if we fail to increase the resources we are currently spending in state court races to keep pace with the Democrats.
With the massive failures Joe Biden and Democrat-controlled Washington are producing on a daily basis, it’s quite possible that 2022 will provide the best political environment for Republicans for the remainder of the decade. That is why JFI is looking to capitalize now, and is committing to spending more on state court races this year than any year prior. We will only be able to achieve this goal with your continued engagement and support.
2020 – Kilbride
Kilbride spent $3,977,528.
2019 – Liljeberg
Trial Lawyer funded Citizens Fighting Crime PAC spent $558,214
2016 – Szymanski, Thomas
Szymanski spent $27,404
Thomas spent $41,249
2018 – Cavanagh, Bagenstos
Cavanagh spent $566,455
Bagenstos spent $850,734
2020 – McCormack, Welch, Progress Michigan Political Action Fund
McCormack spent $1,294,022
Welch spent $1,592,446
Progress Michigan Political Action Fund spent $765,770 in independent expenditures
Michigan Total = $5,138,080
North Carolina
2016 –Morgan, NC Families First
Morgan spent $272,950
NC Families First spent $1,735,272 in independent expenditures
2018 –Earls, NC Families First
Earls spent $1,574,594
NC Families First spent $1,243,355 in independent expenditures
2020 – Beasley, Davis, Inman, A Better NC,
Beasley spent $2,066,280
Davis spent $1,298,899
Inman spent $1,120,596
A Better NC spent $3,401,188 in independent expenditures
North Carolina Total = $12,713,134
2016 – O’Donnell, Rice
O’Donnell spent $384,439
Rice spent $449,489
2018 – Stewart, Donnelly
Stewart spent $263,220
Donnelly spent $425,703
2020 – Brunner, O’Donnell
Brunner spent $915,335
O’Donnell spent $710,193
Ohio total = $3,148,379
2015 – Wecht, Dougherty, Donohue, Pennsylvanians for Judicial Reform
Wecht spent $3,379,361
Dougherty spent $4,563,683
Donohue spent $1,947,495
Pennsylvanians for Judicial Reform spent $3,385,109
2017 – Woodruff
Woodruff spent $368,927
2021 – McLaughlin
McLaughlin spent $3,282,790
Pennsylvania total = $16,927,365
West Virginia
2016 – Wooton, Benjamin, McGraw, Just Courts WV
Benjamin spent $534,048
McGraw spent $128,314
Wooton spent $545,724
Just Courts WV spent $496,365
2018 – Tabit, Just Courts WV
Tabit spent $319,414
Just Courts WV spent $105,580 in independent expenditures
2020 –Wooton, Neely, Tabit, ReSet WV
Wooton spent $627,981
Neely spent $1,925,628
Tabit spent $511,330
ReSet WV spent $491,329
West Virginia Total = $5,685,713
2016 – Kloppenburg, Greater Wisconsin Committee
Kloppenburg spent $795,956
Greater Wisconsin spent $107,322 in independent expenditures
2018 – Dallet, Greater Wisconsin Committee
Dallet spent $1,161,217
Greater Wisconsin spent $274,952 in independent expenditures
2019 – Neubauer, Greater Wisconsin
Neubauer spent $1,902,117
Greater Wisconsin spent $1,055,735 in independent expenditures
2020 – Karofsky, A Better Wisconsin Together
Karofsky spent $2,541,356
A Better Wisconsin together spent $1,877,467 in independent expenditures
Wisconsin Total = $9,716,122
Pennsylvania Department of State, Campaign Finance Online Reporting
West Virginia Secretary of State Campaign Finance Reporting System