RSLC Statement: Republicans Gain Seat in New Mexico House

GOP Flips HD-32 Following RSLC PAC Independent Expenditure

WASHINGTON, D.C. — New Mexico Republicans last week gained a seat in the state House after Jenifer Jones ousted incumbent Democrat Candie Sweetser in HD-32. Jones will be the first Republican ever to hold the seat.

“Republicans took a critical step forward in New Mexico last week by gaining a seat in the Democrat-controlled House, and we congratulate all the fantastic Republican House candidates who won this year,” said RSLC President Dee Duncan. “Santa Fe Democrats and their failed liberal agenda have the state at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to jobs, crime, and education, and another Republican voice will help bring change. The RSLC was proud to play a role in last week’s success by supporting Jenifer Jones, who will bring the outsiders’ perspective necessary in Santa Fe to improve the financial and physical security of New Mexicans.”

The RSLC  and its affiliated PACs spent a total of $155,000 on state legislative races in New Mexico in 2022. This included an independent expenditure effort supporting Jones that juxtaposed Candie Sweetser’s soft-on-crime voting record with Jones’ support for law enforcement. The committee’s paid media noted that Sweetser is just another Biden Democrat and emphasized how Jones’ background as a nurse who has helped patients fight cancer and COVID gives her a unique perspective that will help her bring change to Santa Fe.


The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) is the largest organization of Republican state leaders in the country and only national committee whose mission is to recruit, train, and elect Republicans to multiple down-ballot, state-level offices. Thanks to our growing network of grassroots supporters in all 50 states, we help deliver wins for Republican state legislators, lieutenant governors, secretaries of state, agriculture officials, and state judges across the country.



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WTAS: “OH, NC state Supreme Court wins will have significant impact on future redistricting battles.”